What Is The Difference Between Guided Meditation And Other Meditations?

There are many meditations that ask us to still our minds and let go of all thought. They ask that we focus on a specific breath or chant. But ss soon as we sit down we often begin to start running through a whole array of thoughts, 'to do' lists, unfinished conversations and other thoughts that tend to go nowhere.
Guided Mediation helps us to breathe, relax and focus our thoughts and intentions on a specific goal or purpose. Through the use of our imagination and visualization we can draw light and energy into our bodies. We can awaken latent areas of our minds and beings. We can experience ourselves opening up to a higher purpose and feel reality shifting within our being.
There are many types of these Meditations that are popular. Chakra Meditation focuses on awakening and balancing the Chakra points in the body. These Chakra points relate to different physical and emotional aspects of a person.
The first Chakra is grounding and stabilizing and relates to the legs and base of the spine. the second Chakra focuses on the reproductive organs and relationships. The third Chakra focuses on self esteem, confidence and the stomach area. The fourth Chakra relates to the heart and love. The fifth relates to the throat area and communication. The sixth relates to the brain and wisdom. Lastly, the seventh relates to the spiritual aspects of a person, gratitude, the top of the head and the nervous system.
Other Guided Meditations include confidence meditations, guided meditations for connecting to spirit guides and guided meditations for attracting wealth and success. A person relaxes and breaths in a comfortable sitting position. The person focuses on the specific energy that they are wanting to invoke in their lives and uses a visualization to bring this energy into their bodies, emotions and lives.
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