Learn Chakra Meditation In As Little As 10 Minutes

Charka meditation usually requires more time compare to other meditation technique. A complete workout on all 7 chakras may take up to 2 hours. But it's definitely the comprehensive way to stay healthy.
In less than 10 minutes, you can learn the do it yourself approach to chakra meditation. My way is always the crystals way. Using crystals as the meditation tool, you can allow the wondrous power of crystals to work on your chakras. So the effort on your part is almost zero.
For chakra meditation to work, you will need a crystal for each main chakra. And that means 7 in total. If that put you off, don't be. I will provide you a guide that you can use to narrow down the list of crystals you can use from the thousands available on this planet.
Before that, let me give you the 9 steps formula for chakra meditation.
Step 1: Seize the opportunity during these session to balance your charkas as well. To do that, identify any health, emotional or mental related issues that you may be facing at this moment of your life.
Step 2: Identify the chakra associated with that issue(s).
Step 3: Get the appropriate crystals that can help resolve your issues. To achieve this step, you will need a reasonable understanding of the relationship between each crystals and your charkas. You can look up books on crystals but I will provide you some help later as you read on.
Step 4: Thoroughly cleansed, charged and program the crystals.
Step 5: Adopt the lying down meditation posture.
Step 6: Place a stone on each chakra. You may need help from someone close to you. The best way is to allow the crystals to rest directly on your skin. Opt for loose clothing to allow you to position the crystals on the chakras with ease.
Step 7: Start from the crown charka and end your chakra meditation with the base chakra. Work your way downwards, 1 charka at a time. Complete your meditation work on the charka. Visualize it closing up before moving to the next one.
Bring your attention to the chakra you are working on for a few moments. Relax and feel the positive energy of the stones working for you.
Next, as you inhale, visualize yourself draw in the light, filling up your whole body. The light should correspond to the chakra you are working on.
Let me expand on this. Let say you are meditating on your third eye chakra. You should visualize purple light (or energy) filling you up. And when you are meditating on your solar plexus chakra, visual orange light (or energy) instead.
Step 8: Visualize the chakra closing up before moving to the next one.
Step 9: When you have worked on all the charkas, slowly get up from your position and drink a glass of water.
Try it and experience the power of the crystals during chakra meditation.
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