How to Juggle Smarter, Not Harder and Enjoy Life More

 Meditation Stool, लकड़ी का स्टूल in Karur , The Loyal ...

Too few hours in the day for work, family, and yourself? Juggling more and enjoying it less? Want to change this pattern for the better?

Think of your life as a three-legged stool with one leg labeled work, one family, and one your self. What happens when you lean all your weight on one leg or you shift back and forth between two legs? The stool becomes unbalanced, making it more likely you will fall. But when you make a concerted effort to keep all three legs solidly and comfortably on the ground, giving time, energy, and commitment equitably to each leg, you maintain your balance best meditation stool.

You can find quick and easy ways to not only meet your many work-life responsibilities but also enjoy your busy life. Sound impossible? That is exactly what family law attorney Laurie thought last year when she was drowning in work-life-created quicksand.

Her 80-year-old mother was having increasingly frequent, severe strokes. Her father was battling cancer. Her business was in a slump because she was not concentrating on marketing and could not always predict when she would be at the office. Consequently, she was exhausted, unproductive, dissatisfied, and depressed - her life totally out of balance. She felt as if she were treading water in cement booties.

She needed to actively take responsibility for the three basic aspects of her life. She had to put a stop to all the craziness. Once she was aware of the problem, she could look to see where she was focusing her energy and where she was not, as well as determine what other options existed.

Like Laurie, you can begin to see how you are responding to each and all the factors involved: physical events, like schedules and time crunches; perceived events and emotions, such as feeling over-loaded and under-appreciated.

Having done this, you need to employ a set of strategies by which to empower yourself. Specifically, you need to recognize and accept that you do have control and choice over the different aspects of your life. You are the one who gets to decide what you are going to do, when, how you are going to do it, and how you will feel about it. The core of your creating an effective work-life balance is creating meaningful daily achievement AND enjoyment in each of your three areas.

A few quick and easy tips to off-set overwhelm:

- Remember your favorite joke

- Sing your favorite song to yourself

- Take a 5-minute visualized mini-vacation

- Write a mental letter of gratitude to someone who has significantly helped you

- Look for a positive element in the event, situation, or task

- Do 5 minutes of meditation

- Think of something you did well today and reward yourself for it

- Stretch yourself or take a 5-minute walk

- Plan and accomplish one daily priority for your work, family, and yourself and tell yourself what you enjoyed in doing it

- Mentally and physically leave your work at the office when you go home.

You could be just one re-balancing exercise away from changing your work-life juggling from harder to smarter.

Dr. Signe A. Dayhoff, Ph.D., teaches solo law practitioners how to put their practice growth on steroids!-and increase their marketing conversion 20% in only 3 months in 5 simple steps. Through her education-based relationship "Get Your Ideal Clients Marketing System," you can create profitable visibility and credibility confidently with dignity to recruit, convert, and retain your ideal law clients.


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